Type Rating T/R(H)

In order to fly other types of helicopters, you need a type rating. Currently we offer type ratings for different helicopters.


PPL(H) or CPL(H)
• Medical Class 1 or 2 → List of AeMC – AME

Theoretical Training

• Elementary course for the corresponding helicopter type (i.e. limitation, flight performance, safety procedures, mass and balance)
• Internal theoretical examination

Practical Training

• For a type rating from one helicopter type to another (i.e. turbine → piston or piston → turbine) according to air law you’ll need a minimum of 5 hours
• For a second entry of the same propulsion type you’ll need a minimum of 2 hours
• Skill test with a FOCA expert


The type rating is valid for one year and can be renewed 3 months before the expiry.