Public Presentation


The public presentation »en route to the helicopter cockpit« takes place several times a year in irregular intervals. The participation is free of charge. As the number of participants is limited, we ask you for a registration (RSVP). Please use the registration form on this page.


During approx. 2 hours flight instructor Pirmin Birchler explains various aspects of the helicopter pilot education. Using concrete examples, he explains the requirements and opportunities for future helicopter pilots.

You will also learn about the administrative and legal aspects of the pilot training programme. Further training options such as night NIT(H) and mountain MOU(H), as well as the differences between a private and a commercial pilot license will be comprehensivley explained.

Upcoming Public Presentations

The following events will take place soon:

Airport Zurich:

11.21.2018       07:00 pm
04.03.2019       07:00 pm

06.06.2019       07:00 pm
09.25.2019       07:00 pm
11.28.2019       07:00 pm

„On Demand“

Grenchen Airfield:

11.22.2018       07:00 pm
04.04.2019       07:00 pm

06.05.2019       07:00 pm
09.26.2019       07:00 pm
11.27.2019       07:00 pm

„On Demand“


Airport Grenchen
Flughafenstrasse 117
CH-2540 Grenchen
Tel +41 32 396 96 96
Fax +41 32 396 96 99

Flughafen Zürich AG
8058 Zürich-Flughafen
Tel +41 43 816 22 11

Register for the Presentation

We’ll confirm your registration by email. Therefore we ask for your email address. We won’t share it with anyone!

The information evening starts at 19:00 on the mentioned date and lasts about 2 hours